The target group is estimated to be primarily female, both single and married, 25-45 years old, fashion-conscious high earners, brand lovers, but also price-oriented and with an awareness of sustainability. In this case, your target group would be people who like to dress fashionably and attach importance to their appearance. like to move around at events. take care of her wardrobe as well as her apartment. spend their free time dealing with the topic of fashion, fashion designers and fashion personalities. are interested in the effects of fashion and clothing.
Value longevity and sustainability. think ahead and want to make sure Special Data that investments are worthwhile. Value certain education and manners. are interested in art and social issues. want to act as role models. but also have role models in art, fashion, literature, etc. Of course, not every characteristic applies to every persona. It’s not just “one persona” who buys from you. Many completely different people buy from you, but they have certain things in common. Your goal is to find the common denominator, but also to cover niche topics that only interest part of your target group.

Rule #3: Write articles for the target audience: What are the pain points? After you get to know the characteristics of your target group, you can start brainstorming your topics. Think about what solutions you can offer to any problems (pain points) your target group may have. Ideally, you start with a topic that has not yet been answered by your competitors and other websites. This gives your readers added value and an advantage for you. My tip on how to proceed: As a first step, define one or more general topics: If we stick with.